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March so far in the Forces-of-Nature Diaries
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Member Details Session Description
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Owner: squiz

Member#: 6644
Registered: 27-05-2007
Diary Entries: 3152

21st June 2018
Windsurfing: Llanfairfechan
Wind Direction:
Wind Stength:
Surf / Sea State:
Air Temperature:
Sea Temperature:
Weather: cloudy start then sunny
Max Speed: 9.21 (knots - unless stated otherwise)
Distance Covered: 2.29 (Nautical Miles - unless stated otherwise)

Thursday 21st June – walks ***** To Black Point Lighthouse & Circuit Sychnant Pass.

Windsurf * Llanfairfechan.

F2 Xantos 310 with Tushingham Lightning 7.8

9.21 knot max., 6.81 knot ave., 0.87 knot hour, 0.00 knot mile, 5 km., 0.00 knot alpha :(

A much better night in the carpark near the cliffs by South Stack not so much wind and no fog horn:) Woke to sunny start with a northly breeze so both managed to do our exercises, then after breakfast headed into Holyhead and found a big Lidl to stock up. We did the left-hand side of Anglesey but nothing special just the odd nice beach in the distance. We came out at Beaumaris a nice little seaside town with a castle and a big pay carpark so turned left in search of the beach I sailed on when I windsurfed from Llanfairfechan. We passed a couple of nice laybys next to the sea which was low with the tide out but they were not keen on caravans and campers parking! The last section of road is a dead-end and you have to pay a toll to drive to the lighthouse, £10 for a campervan which is extortionate so we turned around and parked in a layby just past the old quarry which actually is the beach I landed on at Trwyn y Penrhyn. I had a nice chat with a lady just about to start hunting for peeler craps for fishing bait. It was a lovely day and we were sheltered from the keen north wind so set off for a walk across the bay. I was not sure how far we were going so I didn’t take the GPS which was disappointing as we did a good long walk:( There is no coast footpath because the land is private but with the tide well out you could walk on the beach which was a real mix of big pebbles, mud, sand and rocks to scramble over but the views especially back across to the mainland are just stunning! You then get your first views of Puffin Island which apparently has the remains of a Monastery on the top. We passed a poor dead harbour porpoise which had been washed up :( As you round the end there is a small collection of white cottages including a café, a large red channel marker and the small lighthouse marking the end of Black Point. We walked along the path to the lighthouse to watch a couple of lads fishing being covered in sea spray! We took the road back to the van passing the Priory ruins at Penmon including a lovely large dove cote with a domed stone roof! We had lunch at the van sitting in the chairs with our feet up on the wall :) Following the coast road to the Telford bridge, we crossed back to North Wales. Our original plan was to meet up with Steve Carter at North Beach, Llandudno because of the wind direction and he was hoping to have a kitesurfing lesson but he messaged to say he was heading somewhere else so we stopped at Llanfairfechan to check the conditions. There was plenty of water and onshore wind gusting to 15 mph so I rigged 7.8 on my F2 Xantos 310 but by the time I had my wetsuit on the wind had died. It’s a bit surfy in this direction so I wobbled off the beach to the right along the shore. I was way under powered the whole time and it was very uncomfortable. I turned just past the big mountain and slowly returned, I sailed past the slipway and past the end of the prom. I went into waist deep surf and had a real job to start as no wind:( I did get going but fell in short of the jetty out of my depth in the waves and while swimming ashore managed to break three batterns in my sail. I was lucky to get ashore here as the rolling waves and rough rocky beach are a nightmare. Safely ashore I derigged and Steve appeared to help me carry my gear back to the van. After a cuppa and Lidl Eccles cake we packed up and went in search of a spot for the night. Steve recommended going up the Sychnant Pass which has a very French feel and great scenery. We found a small carpark surrounded by sheep so decided to stop there. We went for an hour walk around the purple heather covered hills before returning to the van for a delicious prawn stir fry. It is getting dark and the wind is strong yet again and I thought it was supposed to be light, who knows wha’ts going on!

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Toys Used:
F2 Xantos CS 310 147
Tushingham Lightning 7.8
North Silverline 180/230
Mystic  Majestic xl



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